Bass Pro Shop Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee

Bass Pro Shop Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee

Our family gets the opportunity to visit Memphis pretty often. One of the most noticeable sights on the Memphis skyline is absolutely the Bass Pro Shop Pyramid. If you ever venture from Arkansas into Memphis, it will be right in your sights as you cross the...

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Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum, Rawlins Wyoming

Wyoming Frontier Prison Museum, Rawlins Wyoming

Downright scary and absolutely horrifying!  That was pretty much what we thought we would find when touring the historic Wyoming Frontier Prison.  And thats pretty close to what we got. As a family that has stayed on the right side of the law, the inside of a prison...

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Hey y'all! My name is Pamela!

Hey y'all! My name is Pamela!

It's so nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by! I am a homeschool travel loving mom, so I decided I had every reason in the world to blog... so here I am.

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