The State of The Blog: An Update

The State of The Blog: An Update

I originally started this post telling you that I began blogging to help people, but that isn’t the FULL truth. I started this blog because I wanted to make money from home. Prior to having children I had a career I loved and made some pretty decent money with some...
February 2017 Income Report

February 2017 Income Report

Why another income report so soon? Last week I decided I could start putting out income reports as a way of keeping myself on top of my game. I was pretty late into the month, but decided to go ahead and start with January. There are many aspects of blogging/social...
My First Income Report

My First Income Report

Before I get into my first income report I wanted to give you the full story of my blogging adventures. I never thought of blogging until I had my son. Becoming a mommy I decided I needed to start keeping track of all these silly stories of our life with “Little Guy”...
Build It Anyway!

Build It Anyway!

” But mom, I don’t want to do it myself. What if I mess it up?” My son received one of those day at a time calendars for Christmas last year. When you pull each day off it has instructions for making an awesome paper airplane. “If you don’t try, then you won’t have an...