Book Adventure is a free reading program that allows you to find books on your child’s reading level. I was able to search my son’s favorite topic and came up with books on the 2nd & 3rd grade reading levels. I then also checked our library’s website and found some books for him there.
My son read Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot books and loved them. When he finished the book he would head over to Book Adventure and take a quiz on the book. The quiz for books for grades Kindergarten – 2nd grade have 5 questions about the book, and grades 3 & up have 10 questions.
The quizzes were pretty simple; What was the name if the mad doctor? Dr. Stinky McNasty. At least for the earlier grades, if your child is reading the book they should do well on the quiz.
When he takes a quiz and gets the answers correct, your child will be awarded points. You are able to decide the awards and the point values needed to attain the awards. As a part of our rewards, my son can read and receive points for 10 books and be able to stay up as late as he wants on a night we all agree on. This is a huge motivation for him. He will also be able to have a movie night, a free day off from school on a day we agree on… the possibilities are endless!
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This site has become one of my favorites since I have discovered it. He is disappointed when he reads a book that isn’t in their system because he is highly motivated by those points. And since we aren’t in public school and don’t go through other testing it is a nice way to ensure he is staying with his peers and not falling behind on his reading/comprehension skills.
Getting to match this with the Reading Rewards programs we are working on has been a win all around.
I hope you are able to get as much good out of this site as I have!
Is there a way you motivate your early reader?
What is your favorite site you use when homeschooling?